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笔奇阁 > 梦里飘向你 > 第41-42节

第41-42节(4 / 13)




“离开我吧”“忘了我吧”,这是世界上最无情又最多情,最决绝又最煽情的八个字了。一个垂危的病人,或者一具冰冷的尸体,八个无限深情的大字,最冰冷的男人都会为之感动。他可以拥有我全部的爱情,但却不用花时间陪我,哪个事业型男人会不喜欢这个 idea?


I have been sick for a week. Me and him are not doing so well. I feel that he doesn’t like me as much. I don’t think he was happy to talk with me…now i think back, it’s all b/c he asked me to spend a raining day with him…it was the first time we spend so much time together in a long time and we didn’t do much but making love all day…that gave me a false impression that he wanted something more…I’ve got to remember real love doesn’t change over one day or created in one day. It builds up over time…I will stop c
